Розробки уроків

A trip to London

 “I hope to see London before I die”.
W. Shakespeare. Henry IV

“When a man is tired of London,
 he is tired of life, for there
 is London all that life can afford”
Samuel Johnson

Тема: Ласкаво просимо до Лондона.
Welcome to London.
Практична мета: узагальнити вивчений матеріал про Лондон, англійські звичаї та традиції; удосконалювати навички читання, мовлення та аудіювання; активізувати вивчену лексику з теми; вчити знаходити необхідну інформацію у прослуханому тексті; розвивати фонетичний слух, логічне мислення, лексичну здогадку, навички аналізу – синтезу, класифікації та узагальнення, культури спілкування, вміння самостійно будувати мовленнєиу дію, розвивати вміння знаходити й відбирати необхідну інформацію.
Розвивальна мета: стимулювати зацікавленість, комунікативно – пізнавальну діяльність; розвивати мовленнєву здогадку, самостійність, кмітливість, інтелектуальну гнучкість, уміння орієнтуватися в потоці різноманітної інформації, робити узагальнюючі висновки.
Загальноосвітня мета: розширювати знання учнів про країну, мову якої вони вивчають, розширювати іншомовну лексичну компетенцію учнів.
Виховна мета: формувати в учнів поважне ставлення до традицій та звичаїв інших країн; позитивне ставлення до процесу навчання та отримання знань; виховувати повагу до країни, мова якої вивчається, до мови, що вивчається, як засобу міжнаціонального спілкування.

Наочність: види Лондона, картки із завданнями, магнітофон з аудіокасетою,картки для індивідуальних завдань, карта Лондона, картки з лексичними вправами.
Міжпредметні зв’язки: історія, географія.

Compere1. Where are we going now? Do you know?
Do you know where we want to go? Please, tell me!
1.     Great Britain is a beautiful… (Land).
2.     We are crossing Tower Bridge… (Over) the river Thames.
3.     Take the first / the second… (Turning).
4.     On the corner / … (round) the corner.
5.     It is one of the biggest … (zoos) in the world.
6.     Tower of London is … (next) to the Tower Bridge.
Welcome to





Compere 2. The theme of our party is “Welcome to London”.
Today we are going to sum up our Knowledge about the capital of Great Britain. The aims are to get more information about famous London’s sights and develop listening, reading, speaking and writing skills.
Compere 1. Today I invite you to London, the capital of Great Britain. Millions of tourists visit this city every year. We are going to do sightseeing and learn a lot of interesting things about London.
Now we are ready to see London.
Compere 2. But first, we must fly by a plane.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Captain Gibson and his crew welcome you aboard British Airways flight 179 to London. We are flying at a height of 30.000 feet at speed approximately 600 miles an hour. We’re landing in London is 5 and a half hours. The temperature in London is 3 degrees below zero. Our stewards and stewardesses will serve lunch in half an hour.
Compere 1. At last we are in London.
Well, if you want to be an experienced guide everything in your excursion story should be logically connected. To begin with will you reorder these items of the plan in logical order?
Public transport (7)
Parks (6)
Historical places (3)
General information (I)
Parts of the city (2)
Museums (4)
Shops and markets (8)
Theatres (5)
History of London
P1. London began about A. D. 43, when armies of the Roman Empire started to conquer Britain. The Romans built a seaport on the Thames near present – day London Bridge. The Romans called the port Londinium (from “londin” – wild, bold). By the 200’s, the Romans had built a wall around London, which formed London’s boundaries for hundreds of years. In 410 the Roman troops in Britain were called back home. The native Britons who had moved to London kept the settlement alive as a trading center. After the Romans left, Germanic tribes repeatedly attacked London. The two powerful tribes, the Angles and Saxons, divided England into separate kingdoms. The Saxons controlled London. In 1066, William the Conqueror was crowned king in Westminster Abbey. He built a castle, called the White Tower, to impress Londoners with his authority and power. The White Tower today forms the central part of the Tower of London.
P2. But now, let’s come back to the 17th century. It was a terrible event in the history of London. Have you guessed what I am speaking about? About the Great Fire of London.
The fire of London
The old city of London had narrow, crooked streets and wooden houses. It was a dirty city too. In 1665 75,000 Londoners died from the plaque.
On September 2nd 1666 a bakery in Pudding Lane near London Bridge caught fire. After along hot summer the wooden houses were very dry. A wind was blowing from the river. It blew the flames from house to house, and in the narrow streets the fire spread quickly. The fire burned for four days. Amazingly, nobody died in the fire.
Compere 1. The people of London built a new city. The houses were made of brick or stone, not wood. The new streets were straight and they were wider and cleaner too. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt St. Paul’s Cathedral.
1.     London’s Burning
2.     London Bridge
Listen and read.
This is London; the capital city of England is very old city.
There is a big river in London – Thames. The first bridge over the river was called London Bridge. You can’t see London Bridge today – people pulled the bridge down. Here is a song about the bridge.
London Bridge
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
Falling down, falling down,
My fair lady.
Three hundred years ago, there was a big fire in London and many houses burnt. Here is a song about the fire.
London’s burning
London’s burning
London’s burning
Find the engines,
 Find the engines,
Fire! Fire!
Fire! Fire!
Now listen and sing.
Compere2. I invite all of you to make an excursion around London.
Do you remember the names of the places of interest in London? Let’s refresh them by making up a mind map and diving the definitions:

Houses of Parliament

10 Downing

Piccadilly Circus

Sights of London

1)    The Houses of Parliament is the seat of British government.
2)    Number 10 Downing Street is the home of prime Minister
3)    The monument is 62 – meter stone column which stands near the spot where the Great Fire started.
4)    Whitehall is a broad avenue.
5)    Trafalgar Square is an area of open pavement with statues and fountains.
6)    Piccadilly Circus is an area where six busy streets come together.
7)    Tower Bridge is one of the landmarks of London, a fine example of Victorian engineering.
8)    Cleopatra’s Needle is an ancient Egyptian monument named after Egyptian monument named after Egyptian queen Cleopatra.
The Houses of Parliament
P. The Houses of parliament are in Parliament Square. It is a very large square and people around, only a tall policeman in the middle. The Houses Parliament is a long building that stretches for about 1000 feet. Behind it there is the Thames and the Westminster Bridge. The Westminster Abbey stands opposite the Houses of Parliament.
It is the most popular and widely spread image of London. There are many meeting halls and various parliamentary offices in this famous palace. It is a beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock Big Ben. It is clock from which all people in Britain take the time.
The lights at night above Big Ben and the flag on the top of Victoria Tower during the day – time is the signal for the people of London that the members of Parliament are watching over the nation’s interests. The Houses of Parliament can be visited by the public.

Buckingham palace
P. It is the residence of the Queen of England. It was built early in the 18th century. This is a beautiful building. It stands in large gardens. The palace and the gardens are opened to visitors several days a week. The changing of the guard before Buckingham several times every day is watched by hundreds of people, especially tourists.
The Tower of London
P. It is the most famous of all the historical buildings in London. It stands today almost unchanged since first of it was built in the 11th century. In the past the Tower of London served both as a palace and as a state prison, and many famous and infamous people have been executed within its walls.
For many visitors the principal attraction is Crown Jewels, the finest precious stones of the nation. A fine collection of arms is exhibited in the Keep.
The security of the Tower is ensured by military garrison and by the Yeoman Warders or Beefeaters who still wear their colorful Tudor uniform.
Tower Bridge
P. It’s the world’s most famous bridge for over 100 years. Journey backs through time as you step into the heart of the Tower Bridge, where exciting animatronics and interactive displays bring to life more than 100 years of the bridge’s amazing history. You’ll discover London in the 1890s, why the bridge was built and how it works and you’ll never forget the spectacular views from the walk ways.
The British Museum
P. The British Museum was founded in 1753. It has many departments covering a vast variety of subjects.  One of  its most interesting sections is the National Library. It has more than six million books. The library receives nearly 2, 000 books and papers daily. The National Library has a copy of every book printed in the English language.
The Library of the British Museum has a very big collection of books and manuscripts both old and new. There are also some of the first English books printer by Caxton. Caxton was a printed. He lived in 15lh century. He made the first printing press in England.
Many famous men read and studied in the Reading Room of the British Museum. Charles Dickens, a famous English writer, spent much time at the British Museum Library.oo
Westminster Abbey
P.Westminster Abbey is opposite the Houses of Parliament. It is a very beautiful church built over 900 years ago. The Abbey was founded in 1050 and was a monastery for a long time. Since William I almost every English monarch has been crowned in this great church. It contains the tombs and memorials to many Britain’s famous people. The tombs are made of gold and precious Stones.
The Abbey is also known for its Poets’ Corner. There are graves of English poets and writers (Chaucer, Dickens) and memorials to Shakespeare, Milton, Burns, Byron there.
One of the greatest treasures of the Abbey is the oaken Coronation Chair made in 1300.
St. Paul’s Cathedral
P. It is the greatest work of England’s greatest architect, Christopher Wren. It was all planned and carried out by one man. It look him 35 years. The Cathedral was begun in 1675. It was opened in 1697 but was finished only in1710, when Wren was an old man of 90, he was carried here once year, so that he could see his beautiful work.
Sir Christopher Wren lives buried under the roof of his own great work. These words are written on his grave, “If you want to see his monument, look around”.
There are memorials to many Famous men of England in the Cathedral. Among them are generals and admirals. Admiral Nelson is buried here too.
St. Paul’s Cathedral is the second largest church in Europe and the greatest of English churches. The bell Big Paul is the greatest in England. It weighs 17 tons. The height of the Cathedral is 110 meters.
Trafalgar Square
P. Trafalgar Square is the natural centre of London. The squire was so named to commemorate Nelson’s victory at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and the monument in the centre, known as Nelson’s Column, topped with the Statue of Nelson 16 feet high. The Nelson Column is 185 feet high.
The square is now a huge traffic island. There are fountains in the square. The square is always full of visitors feeding the pigeons or watching the traffic.
Horatio Nelson (1758 – 1805) was Britain’s prominent admiral and naval hero. In 1805 he defeated the combined French and Spanish fleets at Trafalgar in the greatest naval victory in British History. His victory broke France’s naval power and established Britain’s rule of the sea for the rest of the 1800’s.
With only 27 vessels, Nelson attacked the combined French and Spanish fleets. Napoleon’s fleet which had 33 warships, was destroyed.
Nelson was wounded and died during the battle but he lived long enough to know that the British fleet had defeated the French and Spanish fleets. Nelson’s last words were, “ thank God I have done my duty”.
The National Gallery
P. It stands on the north side of Trafalgar Square. It was founded in 1824; it has the national collection of Western European painting over 2,000 pictures from 1200 to 1900. The Collection represents all the major European schools of painting and includes masterpieces by virtually all the great artists.
Regent’s Park
P. It is the right place to go if you like animals. Here you can feed the ducks and watch the pelicans. You can also visit the Zoological Gardens, the largest zoo in the country.
Piccadilly Circus
P. It is called a circus because it is round not square like many other places.
Piccadilly Circus is not only the central square but also the heart of London’s world. Within a few hundred yards of it there are most of London’s best – known theatres, cinemas and famous restaurants. Near Piccadilly Circus there is a large underground station where several different lines meet. The ticket – hall is underneath the street and it has entrances from all the streets heading to the Circus.
It is the Circus with a column in the centre and a graceful statue of Eros (the Greek god of love) on the top of it.
A real shoeblack polishing a shoe and real flower – girls selling beautiful flowers are there.
You should come here at night when Piccadilly looks much prettier. It is a colorful sight at night.
Hyde Park
P. London has many parks. Londoners call them the “lungs of London”. They are St James’s Park and others.
Hyde Park is the largest of London’s public parks, in spring and summer Londoners spent their time there. They walk, sit play on the grass. Inside Hyde Park there is a place for its open – air meetings, the Speaker’s Corner.
London Park is are the most beautiful areas of the city. In the summer you can  sit  in St James’s Park by the side of the lake and listen to the band playing music.
Green Park is Different kind of park. It is a quiet, wooded place.
Hyde Park was once part of a forest. In our days, Speaker’s Corner of the park is always a centre of activity. Public debates are held there nearly every day. Sunday is the most popular day, and you will usually find some people standing on their soap – boxes and making speeches.
There is a boating lake, and skating in the winter is possible if the ice is 10 centimeters thick.
There is an open air theatre, where plays are put on in the summer, and a rose garden and a restaurant.
Madame Tussauds.
History and origins
P. Madame Tussaud was born Marie Grosholdz in 1761 in Strasbourg, France. Her father died before her birth, and her widowed mother went with young Marie to Berne in Switzerland to work as a housekeeper to Philippe Curtius, a German born doctor and talented modeler in wax.
When Dr. Curtius moved to Paris he took Marie and her mother with him and in 1770 he opened an exhibition of life – size wax figures which was an immediate success.
From an early age Marie had been his pupil and by 1778 she was competent enough to model Voltaire whose figure has survived to this day. Two years later she was appointed to serve the sister of Louis XVI and she lived for the next nine years at the palace of Versailles. At the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 she returned to Dr. Curtius who lived in the centre of Paris and she was commanded by the regime to perform the grim task of taking death marks from me decapitated heads of the victims of the guillotine.
The terror ended in 1794, the same year that Dr. Curtius died. A year later she married Francois Tussaud, a civil engineer, and by 1800 she had given birth to a daughter who died and to two sons, Joseph and France. In 1802 she decided to move to England, leaving her husband and France forever. During the next 33 years she visited every major town and city in Britain presenting her exhibition in town halls, assembly rooms and theatres.
By 1835 at the age of 74, she got tired of travelling and decided to set the exhibition permanently in London. Her last work was a self – portrait made before her death in 1850.
She left the collection to her two sons and in 1884 the exhibition moved to its present site in Marylebone Road.
And now it is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Britain.

Compere1. When you are in London you can use different means of transport.

Transport in London

P. When you are in London you can choose from four different means of transport: bus, train, underground or taxi. The typical bus in London is a red double – decker. Travelling on the upper deck gives you the opportunity of seeing London’s best sights. The first London bus started running between Paddington and the City in 1829. It was a horse – drawn coach called “omnibus”, a Latin word meaning “for all”. It carried 40 passengers and cost a shilling for 6 km. The next to arrive were the trains; now there are twelve main railway stations in use in London. The world’s first underground line was opened between Baker Street. And the City in 1863. Now there are ten underground lines and 273 underground stations in use. The London underground is also called the Tube by Londoners, because of the circular shape of its deep tunnels.

Shopping in London
P. If you like shopping, London is the place to go! You will find thousands of shops and department stores in Oxford Street, Regent Street, Bond Street or Piccadilly Circus. Don’t forget to pay a visit to pay a visit to Harrods and Selfridges, the largest department stores in Europe. Selfridges is in Oxford Street. Harrods is  in Knights Bridge and it is the official London shop of the Royal family. And there are many street markets in London.

Compere2. Imagine that you are in London and want to get to Trafalgar Square.

Dialogue 1.

-         Excuse me can you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square
-         Certainly. Go down Regent to Piccadilly Circus, and then go down the Haymarket. Turn to the left at the bottom and in less than a minute you’ll be in Trafaigar Square.
-         Thank you very much. How far is it from here?
-         If you walk, it’ll take you ten minutes or quarter of an hour.
-         Is there a bus?
-         There’s sure to be. But you’d better ask the policeman over there.
-         He’ll give you all the information you want.
-         Thank you.

  Dialogue  2.

P 3,4.
- Excuse me, officer, is there a bus from here to Trafalgar Square?
- Yes, sir, any bus will take you. There’s a bus – stop just over there. Ask the conductor to put you down at Trafalgar Square.
- Thank you.

Dialogue 3.

P 5,6.
- Does this bus go to Trafalgar Square?
- Yes, sir. Come along, hurry up…No room on top, inside only… no standing on the platform…pass down the bus, please…Sorry, full up…Sorry, sir you’ll have to wait until there’s room upstairs…Fares, please.
- Trafalgar Square, please… and will you tell me when we get there?
- Trafalgar Square! This is where you get off, sir.
- Thank you.

T. We have made our imaginary trip to London. To see if you were really attentive I’d like you to take part in a “London Quiz”.

Ø What diamond does the Royal Sceptre contain? (“The Star of Africa” 530 carats)

Ø Where does the daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guard take place? (At the Buckingham Palace)

Ø Where are the statues and tombs of famous English writers situated? (In the Poet’s Corner at Westminster Abbey)

Ø Where is Whispering Gallery? (In St. Paul’s Cathedral)

Ø What is done to prevent the ravens of the Tower from leaving it? (Their wings are V clipped)
Ø Where can the oaken Coronation Chair be seen? (In Westminster Abbey)

Ø Who founded Westminster Abbey? When? (Edward the Confessor, in 1050)

Ø What building is officially called the Palace of Westminster? (the Houses of Parliament)

Compere1. As you see, there are so many places in London to discover. As Samuel Johnson said, “A man, who is tired of London, is tired of life”. It is possible to be tired, of London, its quaint architecture, green parks, old markets, fish and chips shops, red telephone – boxes and buses? 

Урок англійської мови в 10 класі.
Тема "Національна кухня” 
- ознайомити учнів з національними кухнями світу; 
- навчати систематизувати і узагальнювати інформацію; 
- повторити і закріпити лексичний матеріал теми; 
- продовжувати формувати навички монологічного мовлення; 
- тренувати учнів в аудіюванні і читанні;
- розвивати комунікативні навички учнів;
- виховувати дбайливе ставлення до їжі як до складової свого здоров’я.

Обладнання: плакати з прислів’ям, плакати від кожної групи
The best story teller
The best project maker
The best actor
картки з прислів’ям
національні страви
ENGLISH – scones AMERICAN – onion rings RUSSIAN – pancake
Тип уроку: урок узагальнення і систематизації знань

Хід уроку
1. Початок уроку
T: Hello, my dear children and our guests. I am glad to see you. So let me start our lesson.
T: Today we are going to talk about national cuisine. So look at the screen where you can read the topic of our lesson " National Cuisine. 
Warming up
T: People can not live without food. But we should remember that 
we eat to live, but we do not live to eat.
So, tell me please:
-What types of food do you know?
(I know: meat, diary, fruit, vegetable, bread/cereal, and fat/ sugar)
- Why must we eat meat products? (Because they provide us by protein)
- Why must we eat diary products? (Because they help us to build strong teeth and bones)
-Why must we eat vegetable? (They help you have Healthy gums, good eyesight by providing vitamins С and A)
2.Основна частина уроку
- Do you consider all types of food to be healthy? 
(I consider not all types of food to be healthy)
- Is it healthy to eat much sweet and salt? 
(I think it is bad for my teeth and health.)
-What is important to stay healthy?
(To my mind, to stay healthy is to eat fresh food, do not eat too much salt, sugar, to drink herb tea and milk with honey, do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, do not eat much before sleeping.)
- Prove that by the proverbs.
Eat with pleasure, drink at measure. 
After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.
Now you have cards with proverbs, but they have been cut. You should find the ending or the beginning. (Части пословиц разложены на столе) 
No song, no supper.
A half of loaf is better, than no bread.
First come, first served.
You cannot eat unscramble egg.

What kinds of food do you know?

Why do people eat fast food or junk food?

Why should people eat healthy food?

What can you say about junk food?

T. All living things need food, because it is the basic fuel of our life. It keeps us warm, gives us energy and helps kids to grow healthy. What food is very good for us? Which of the foods are not so good for us? And what food can even cause illnesses? 
Write a list of 5 best and 5 worst foods. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists and discuss your choises.

- What are the traditional Russian meals? (Okroshka, pancakes, schi, borsch, pelmeni.)
- What are the traditional American meals? (Bagels, girdle vegetables, iced tea.)
- What are the traditional English meals? (Scones, porridge, tea with milk, jacket potatoes,)
- What are the traditional Ukranian meals? 
- What is your favorite food to eat? (Best of all I enjoy eating...) 
So, what food do you prefer?
Vocabulary Practice
1 ) T: You know that almost every country has its own cuisine and what is more some popular dishes are associated with this or that national cuisine. 
Look at the screen. Your task is to complete the sentences.

Pudding is a typical English dish. 

Pizza is a typical Italian dish. 

Pelmeni is a typical Russian dish. 

Varenyky is a typical Ukrainian dish.

Burrito is a typical Mexican dish.

Ratatouille is a typical French dish.

Sushi is a typical Japanese dish. 

Baklava is a typical Turkish dish. 
T: That is great.
5. I see you are a little bit tired. Let’s do some physical exercises.
Захист проектів
Thank you, friends for your answers. Now let us have fun and see your projects. 
American food. (Onion rings)
Russian food. (Pancakes)
English food. (Scones)
Ukranian food. (Borsh)
Захистт проектів проходить у формі костюмованого представления. 
За планом:
1. Story about national meals. (Рассказы по коллажам составленными детьми) 
2. Recipes. (Выступления детей в костюмах и презентация национальных блюд)
3. A play. (Игра "Угадай блюдо или напиток”)
4. Puzzles, crosswords
Учені виходять і розповідаютьютб про національну кухню. 
Thank you for your job. You are good and talented. Now let us find out who is 
The best actor.
The best story teller.
The best project-maker.
Подведение итогов. Вручение медалей.

6. Role-play.
T: You have heard how Englishmen lay the table. And what about you? Can you lay the table? I need one pupil. Come up here, please. Try to lay the table. Do and comment it.

7. Reading
T: Thank you. I see you can lay the table and now let’s revise table manners. Look at the screen and read them.
Try to make no noise when eating.
Never read when you eat.
Do not eat off the knife.
Take small pieces.
Don’t talk with your mouth full.
First chew then swallow.
Don’t put your elbows on the table.
Don’t make faces or noises to show that you don’t like the dish.
Don’t forget to say "Thank you”.
Keep yourself tidy.
8. Writing
T: Let’s imagine that we are the participants of the popular show "Pekel’na kukhnia”. Have ever watched it? How many teams take part in it? Yes, you are right. There are two of them: "Blues” and "Reds”. I’ll divide the same way. Your task is to write "Menu” including: an appetizer, a soup, a main course, a dessert and a drink. Write the recipe and the way of preparation. I think this music won’t irritate you.
III Summing up the lesson
You have been working hard today.
Your hometask for the next lesson is to write about the restaurant you have been to. Describe the interior and the food you ate there.
What was the service like? Would you recommend your friend to visit this restaurant?
The lesson is over. You are free.

Урок англійської мови у 7 класі на тему «Healthy Food. Good eating habits»

План – конспект уроку
Тема: Food
Підтема: Healthy Food. Good eating habits
  • повторити й активізувати лексику теми,
  • ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями,
  • формувати навички аудіювання,
  • розвивати навички вивчаючого читання з повним розумінням прочитаного і з метою отримання корисної інформації,
  • розвивати навички усного мовлення,
  • формувати навички письма
  • розвивати мислення, допитливість та мовну здогадку.
  • розширити знання учнів про корисні і некорисні продукти харчування.
  • виховувати позитивне ставлення до здорової їжі,
  • виховувати свідоме прагнення вести здоровий спосіб життя
Тип уроку: розвиток знань, умінь і навичок
Обладнання: дошка, текст для читання і завдання до нього, текст для аудіювання, презентація Power Point, прислів’я про їжу, картки для роботи в групах, роботи учнів, малюнки продуктів.

Хід уроку
  1. Виконання пісні “Do you like apples?”
  2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
The theme of the lesson is “Healthy Food. Good eating habits”
The motto of our lesson is “Full of energy you will feel, after eating a healthy meal”
Today we are going to speak about healthy food and how it helps us to be healthy, fit and look good.
Comeout: At the end of the lesson you will be able to:
  • Use the words on the topic,
  • Listen to and understand what people say about their eating habits and healthy lifestyle,
  • Give advice about eating habits
3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
а) Warming up. Brainstorming
Make up mind-map. What things do you associate with the word “Food “
Vegetables Fruit Dairy products Beverages Meat
potato apricot butter coffee chicken
tomato orange milk tea beef
carrot apple cream juice lamb
cucumber banana yoghurt cocoa pork
pepper plum cheese mineral water turkey
radish cherry cottage cheese milk duck
b) Активізація лексики з теми. Учні відповідають на запитання вчителя
Answer the questions:
  1. Why do we eat? –
We eat to live, to grow, to have enough energy during the day.
  1. What does it mean to eat a balanced meal? –
It means to eat products of four main food groups, to eat not too much of the same food.
  1. What are the four main food groups? –
They are:
1. milk and dairy foods (including cheese, yoghurt);
2. meat and fish (including eggs and chicken);
  1. vegetables and fruit (including green vegetables, root vegetables, fruit juice);
  1. potatoes and cereals (including bread, pasta, rice).
4.Аудіювання. Listening
a) pre-listening
Vocabulary. Match the parts of the word-combinations:
to have a well- balanced diet
to be a vegetarian
to decide to eat less meat
to go to fast food restaurants
would like to lose weight
like dairy products
to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables
Answer the questions:
  1. What food is healthy to eat? –
Fruit, vegetables, dairy products, nuts, fish, meat - balanced meals.
  1. What food do vegetarians eat? –
They eat meatless dishes.
I want to tell you about my friends’ eating habits. Both Maksym and Natalia think that they have a well-balanced diet. They eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. They eat dairy products three times a week, although Natalia doesn’t like porridge. Both Oles and Maksym are vegetarians. Their mothers cook meatless dishes for them. The boy’s favourite dishes are cabbage salad and holubtsi with vegetable and mushroom fillings. Iryna has decided to eat less meat recently, too, as she would like to lose weight. However, both girls like going to fast food restaurants once a week and usually order the Happy Meal for themselves.
All in all, my friends want to be healthy and think not only about their eating habits, but try to do physical exercises as well.
b) while-listening
Listen to the children talking about their eating habits and tick to complete the table.
Oles Iryna Maksym Natalia
has a well-balanced diet?

is a vegetarian?

has decided to eat less meat?

often goes to fast food restaurants?

would like to lose weight?

likes dairy products?

eats a lot of fruit and vegetables

c) post-listening
Answer the questions:
  1. What do boy’s friends want?
  2. What do they do to be healthy?
  1. Розмова про шкідливу їжу.
1. Divide the products into two groups as healthy or unhealthy.
Розподіл продуктів на здорові та нездорові (за малюнками).
healthy food                        unhealthy food
Bread, chocolate, cake, crisps, fried eggs, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, meat, milk, potatoes, sweets, cheeseburger, hot dog, salad, pizza, soup, bun, fishburger, rice.
Healthy food Unhealthy food
Ice –cream

2. Answer the questions:
1. Which foods are unhealthy? –
Chips, crisps, sweets, snacks, fast food.
2.Why are these foods unhealthy? –
They are unhealthy because they contain a lot of fat, sugar or salt.
  1. Which drinks are bad for our health? –
Fizzy drinks are.
  1. How are these unhealthy foods called? –
They are called junk food.
  1.  Читання тексту та виправлення тверджень.
Read the article and correct the statements below.
Fast Food is very bad for your health
A lot of people eat fast food almost every day because they find it very tasty. Sometimes they eat it because they are busy and don't have time, or are too tired to cook.
Firstly, fast food such as burgers and chips contain a lot of fat and salt. People shouldn't eat fast food very often as this is bad for their health. We need to eat a plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as fish and meat.
Secondly, fast food is very expensive. The money some people spend on fast food in one week is enough to buy fresh food for two weeks.
On the other hand, some people say that eating fast food saves time. So it's a way busy people can avoid cooking during the weekdays.
Although fast food is usually tasty and easy, people should cook their own meals and eat meat which is full of protein and other healthy products, all these kinds of food will make their lives long and healthy.
1. Few people eat fast food every day.
2. Fast food is full of vitamins.
3. It is not harmful for our health.
4. Fast food is rather cheap.
5. Burger and chips are full of protein.
  1. Прислів’я.
Match the parts of the proverbs
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Don’t live to eat, but eat to live
Appetite comes with eating
Eat with pleasure, drink with measure
After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile
  1. Розрядка – виконання учнями пісні про гігієну.
Relaxation. Song. Remember about hygiene
  1. Аудіювання. Звички здорового харчування
Listening. Healthy Eating
Remember 7 healthy habits for your family. Write down the list of advice given in the video
7 Healthy Habits for Your Family
Hi, I'm Nadia Chapman for About.com. Teaching your family a few healthy habits is important for their health and happiness. Here are 7 easy things you can start doing today in order to live a better and healthier life!
Healthy Habit #1: Teach Kids About Farming
It's important to teach our kids where their food comes from, and encourage them to be curious about farming. Take your kids to your local farmer's market to load up on produce, or to your local farm to buy your fruits, vegetables or eggs. If you have the time and space, try growing a garden - even just herbs or tomato plants in pots on your patio can teach a child about farming and eating healthy.
Healthy Habit #2: Go Outside
Make sure your family spends time outside as much as possible. Go on a bike ride, hike near your house, let your kids play outside after school, make a garden or simply walk together after dinner. It will make you feel energized, less tired, depressed or lazy. The benefits of being outdoors are endless, so make it a regular habit for you and your family.
Healthy Habit #3: Avoid the Bad Stuff
A healthy diet is probably the first step towards a healthy lifestyle. You and your family should cut back on salty and sweet foods, and foods that are high in fat. Keep the trips to the fast food restaurant for special occasions only, and please drop that habit of smoking if you are still puffing away. Not only will you feel much better, but you will show a good example to your kids.
Healthy Habit #4: Exercise
Everyone in the family needs to exercise. If you have no idea what to do or where to start, I suggest you join a club such as the YMCA where the whole family will be able to participate to various activities. So turn off the TV and remember to get moving for at least an hour a day.
Healthy Habit #5: Practice Good Hygiene
Mouth hygiene affects your health. You can avoid getting cavities, bad breath, and also gum disease by brushing at least twice a day and flossing every day. Use toothpaste with fluoride and meet with your dentist for regular checkup. Also, avoid getting sick by washing your hands often and having your kids wash theirs as soon as you get back to your house. Always wash hands right before preparing food or eating.
Healthy Habit #6: Get Enough Sleep
How you feel in the morning and how you will spend your day often depends on how you slept the night before -- same thing for your kids. You know yourself and your family best, and it is up to you to respect your body's needs and be aware of the amount of hours each of your kids needs to feel their best the next day.
Healthy Habit #7: Drink Water
Finally, drink more water. Water should be your family's first choice when it comes to drinking. Fill your bottle of water and carry it with you during the day, and make sure your kids drink plenty of water during the day.
Read the written list of advice given in the video.
  1. Усне мовлення.
We invited 3 experts to consult us about good eating habits and healthy lifestyle.
  • :
1. Take the right approach to food. Don’t think about foods as “bad” or “good”. It’s more important to eat different sorts of food of the four main groups:
- Fresh fruit, vegetables and salad.
- Cereals: bread, pasta, rice, other grains.
- Protein food: meat, chicken, fish, eggs, beans or nuts.
- Dairy products: cheese, yoghurt, milk.
Avoid eating junk food.
2. Watch your portions. Pay attention to how much food you’re eating and stop when you start to feel full.
Coach of a handball team:
  1. Drink plenty of water. Your body actually needs a lot of liquid. Avoid fizzy drinks.
  2. Think about fitness. Do physical exercises for 30 minutes every day (like walking, jogging, swimming, or working out at the gym). A healthy mind is in a healthy body.
  1. Eat at regular hours. Don’t skip meals. Then you will not be so hungry and not overeat.
  2. Laugh and smile for a good mood. When you laugh, you breathe better, your blood circulates better and your brain gets more oxygen. One minute of laughing is as useful as a physical training lesson.
  3. Be positive. Look at each other and smile!
  1. Робота в групах. Work in groups.
Everybody wants to be healthy and fit. We can’t buy health. We must appreciate our health and do a lot to keep it.
Now I will give each team a list of recommendations which we should follow or shouldn’t follow to be healthy. Your task is to make Health Code. The first team will tell us what we should do to be healthy and the second team will tell us what we shouldn’t do. Tick the right points in your list.
  1. Get up early and go to bed early
  2. Wash your hands before eating
  3. Smoke
  4. Watch TV too long
  5. Do sports
  6. Clean your teeth twice a day
  7. Sleep enough
  8. Drink Coke
  9. Take a shower
  10. Skip meals
  11. Surf the Internet all day long
  12. Eat too many sweets
  13. Eat between meals
  14. Eat more fruit and vegetables
  1. Підсумки. A magic flower.
We have learned much about healthy food and healthy way of life. And now we can make up the magic flower and give advice how to live healthy and happily. I will give you a coloured petal and you will fill it in writing with what to do to keep fit. And then you’ll stick it round the centre onto the board.
I’m glad to see that you know how to take care of your health.
  1. Підсумки за Comeout
  1. Домашнє завдання.
Home assignment:
  1. Read the text about Alison
Alison is an English schoolgirl. She goes to school. English people always have breakfast in the morning. English breakfast is a very big meal – sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms. But Alison never has breakfast in the morning. She sometimes eats chocolates, sweets and bread-rolls after the second lesson. She always feels very tired and ill at the lesson.
b) Mark the sentences True or False:
  1. Alison is an English schoolgirl.
  2. She studies at the university.
  3. English people have a small breakfast.
  4. English people never have breakfast at home.
  5. Alison always has breakfast.
  6. She eats many sweets.
c) Give advice to Alison what she should do not to be tired and ill.
She should have breakfast every morning.
She should drink hot tea in the morning.
She shouldn’t eat chocolates at school.
She should eat fruit after the second lesson.
If you eat well, you will stay healthy.)

Communication Sphere:   National cuisine      
The Theme: Ukrainian dishes.
Ø to practice vocabulary and spelling;
Ø to develop students’ creativity;
Ø to increase cultural awareness;
Ø to develop skills of unprepared speech;
Audio-visual aids: a computer,  cards, pictures, texts, dictionaries

 1.T. Good morning pupils. Today we continue to discuss different  questions and facts about meals and food. We   have  already learnt some materials about English meals(slideshow)  and today  we will speak about our Ukrainian cookery.
2.Warming – up
 Everybody knows that Ukrainian people are very hospitable and they are excellent cookers. They like to cook and to treat the guests. Ukraine enjoys a variety of traditional cookery, as well as favorite imported dishes. Your home task was to prepare  some information  about Ukrainian meals. Let’s listen to your  information.
T.   And now-the next task is to read the text and say why “The Pechena Kartoplia” restaurant is popular with visitors.
|Post-reading task|

T. Do you like potato? Let’s listen to the story|From the history of potato| and tick the sentences T or F.
ü The archeologists have found potato remains in the ancient ruins of Peru and Chile.
ü The Incas worshipped potatoes but they didn’t eat them.
ü Ancient Inca potatoes had dark purplish skins and yellow flesh.
ü In the 17th century the people of many European countries such as  Italy, England, Belgium, Germany, Austria, France saw potatoes for the first time.
ü Much time has passed since people started to like eating potatoes.
ü Today, the potato is so common and plentiful in the Western diet that it is taken for granted.

 3. Speaking
           Work in pairs, please. Take turns to ask and answer the questions.
·        Do you like potatoes?
·        What is you favourite “potato” dish?
·        Can you cook potato by yourself?
·        What popular Ukrainian potato dishes do you know?
  4. Discussion
 T.I know some pupils have prepared the projects about potato and “ potato dish” let’s see and listen to  them.
  5. Writing
T. All living things need food, because it is the basic fuel of our life. It keeps us warm, gives us energy and helps kids to grow healthy. What food is very good for us? Which of the foods are not so good for us? And what food can even cause illnesses?
Write a list of 15 best and 15 worst foods. Compare your list with your classmates’ lists and discuss your choises.
6. Dictionary work
T. Nowadays in spoken English you may often come across such a phrase as junk food. The word junk means ‘of little or no value’. Read how junk food and health food are defined in some English dictionaries and then give examples of these kinds of food. Explain in Ukrainian the meaning of these expressions.
Junk food food that is not very good for you but that is ready to eat or easy to prepare: crisps, sweets.
Junk food bad quality unhealthy food, containing a lot of sugar, fat and carbohydrate content.
Junk food processed food(hot dogs)
Health food food that is believed to be good for health.
III Conclusion
      1.Homework: To interview a friend and write about his favourite Ukrainian dish.

The Pechena Kartoplia
The bread and potatoes have been the main national dishes of all Slavonic people for centuries.
The speciality of the Pechena Kartoplia, the delicious baked potato, is cooked before customers’ eyes. The smoking potato is taken out of the oven.Then it is cut in halves. Butter and cheese are added and the potato is mashed into appetizing soft puree. Then the filling is put inside. It is of the customer’s choise- herring, pickled or fried mushrooms, crab meat, brynza, ham, cabbage, etc. But the menu doesn’t limit itself to potatoes; there is also a great selections of salads, hot sandwiches (toasts) with ham, fried mushrooms and cheese, varenyky (Ukrainian ravioli with cherry, meat, potato and mushrooms), hot fragrant soups, mouth-watering desserts (delicious pies, fruit with soufflé and fruit jelly) and various drinks (from ice-cold refreshing drinks to hot chocolate and coffee).
         Lively and bright interiors, in which green, yellow and red colours dominate, create a pleasant atmosphere and festive mood.

                                                              From the history of potato
In the ancient ruins of Peru and Chile, archaeologists have found potato remains that date back to 500 B.C. The Incas grew and ate them and also worshipped them. They even buried potatoes with their dead, they stashed potatoes in concealed bins for use in case of war or famine, they dried them, and carried them on long journeys to eat on the way (dried or soaked in stew). Ancient Inca potatoes had dark purplish skins and yellow flesh. The Incas called the potato "papas," as they do today. Following is the Inca prayer that historians say they used to worship them.The potato was carried on to Italy and England about 1585, to Belgium and Germany by 1587, to Austria about 1588, and to France around 1600. Wherever the potato was introduced, it was considered weird, poisonous, and downright evil. In France and elsewhere, the potato was accused of causing not only leprosy, but also syphilis, narcosis, scronfula, early death, sterillity, and rampant sexuality, and of destroying the soil where it grew. Most Americans considered the potato as food for animals rather than for humans. As late as the middle of the 19th Century, the Farmer's Manual recommended that potatoes "be grown near the hog pens as a convenience towards feeding the hogs." Today, the potato is so common and plentiful in the Western diet that it is taken for granted. We seem to forget that the potato has only been with us for a few hundred years.
Potato Timeline
1536 – The potato arrived in Europe

1609 – European sailors take the potato to China

1719 – Potatoes arrive in USA

1801 – First French Fries served in America

1845 – The Irish potato famine

1853 – Potato crisp invented in New York

1952 – ‘Mr Potato Head’ toy invented

1995 – The potato is grown in space

2008 – United Nations International Year of the Potato

Урок – проект
з англійської мови у 5 класі з теми
“Traditional Food. Cooking”
v Активізувати вивчені лексичні одиниці, структури, граматичний матеріал в усному мовленні;
v Розвивати навички усного мовлення в межах вивченої лексики, теми;
v Виробляти вміння виконувати та презентувати індивідуальну проектну роботу;
v Виховувати культуру спілкування.

Обладнання: підручник для 5 кл.(О.Карп’юк), НО1, НО2, НО3, плакат Project Work. Strategies”, картки з індивідуальними завданнями для перевірки знання лексики, її написання, все необхідне для оформлення чайного столу.
Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Введення в іншомовне середовище

T. People can’t live without eating. And we are so happy that we have got a lot of types of food. Now you’ll try to write the names of food next to the type of food.

Types of food



Dairy products




Grains/ bread


2.Повідомлення теми й мети уроку.

Today we’ll have a project lesson. Some pupils will do the presentation of their Individual projects “My Favourite Dish”. Then, we’ll remember table manners and, at last, enjoy chattering during having tea.

ІI. Основна частина уроку: виконання етапів проектної роботи

1.     Активізація лексики (H01)

Match the words.
1) salt

2. Reading

T. Oh, I like sandwiches so much. But do you know how to make a sandwich? Let’s read the text and find it out:
Make a chicken sandwich
This is my favourite sandwich! I eat one every day for lunch. This is how you make it!
Take two big pieces of bread. Put some butter on them. Put two eggs, some tomato, two pieces of cheese and some chicken on one piece of bread.
Put your sandwich on the plate! Now eat it! Yum, yum. It’s very nice!
T. Now I want you to listen to this text on the tape and tell me if the following is true or false.
1. I eat two sandwiches for lunch.
2. Take two big pieces of bread.
3. Put some jam on it.
4. Put some chicken on one piece of bread
T. So, tell me, please, what do we need to make a sandwich?
Ps. We need…

3. Post – reading activity
How often do you eat or drink the things in the list?

Every day
Quite often
Not very often
tea juice

4. Активізація граматичного матеріалу.  Дієслово must. Read the Table Manners. Agree or disagree with statements.

1. You must sit up straight at the table.
2. You must eat with a knife and a fork.
3. You must eat with your fingers.
4. You must lick your fingers.
5. You must put your elbows on the table. It is not polite.
6. You mustn’t talk with your mouth full.

VI. Presentation of individual projects “My Favourite Dish”

What is your favourite dish? Tell us the recipe of your favourite dish.

P1: My favourite dish is meat soup. I can cook it. This is my recipe.
P2: My favourite dish is fried potato. Listen to my recipe, please.
P3, P4, P5…
T. It’s high time for having tea. Take a seat at the tea – table. What tea do you like: black, with a slice of lemon, with a little milk? Help yourselves. These cards will help you to communicate English with each other. Speaking English you get a point.
Pass me some… please.
Can I take some … please?
Would you like to take some…?
Thank you.

III. Заключна частина уроку.
1.     Підбиття підсумків уроку.
2.     Домашнє завдання.

Тема: Розпорядок дня

Мета: Активізація лексичного матеріалу по темі; тренувати учнів у читанні, діалогічному та монологічному мовленні; в аудіюванні з опорою на прослуханий текст; розвивати увагу, мовну здогадку; використовувати вірші; вчити дітей раціонально використовувати свій час; виховувати культуру спілкування.

Обладнання: магнітофон з аудіозаписом, додатковий текст, роздатковий матеріал, таблиця, кросворд.

Тип уроку: узагальнення та систематизація знань.

Метод проведення уроку: урок-рольова гра.

Хід уроку.
-  Good morning, pupils and guests! I am very glad to see you at our English lesson. How are you today?
-  Are you ready for the lesson?

2.  Мовленнєва зарядка.
-   What day is it today?
-  What is the weather like today?
-   What season is it now?
-   What month is it now?
-  Do you like spring?
Today we are going to speak about everyday activities.
The motto of the lesson is:" Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."

II. Основна частина уроку.
1. Повторення лексики.
Answer the questions and solve the crossword.











1.What is the first day of a week in Ukraine? ( Monday)
·   Where do you go every day? (school)
·   What do you do at the lessons? (write)
·   What is the winter kind of sport? ( hockey)
·   What do you do after school? ( homework)
·   What do you have in the morning? (breakfast)
·   What do you have in the evening? (supper)
·  What do you do at the literature lessons? (read)
·   What do you like to watch on TV? (cartoon)
·       What do schoolchildren like to do on Sunday? (play)

2.  Монологічне мовлення.
Представлення домашнього завдання- читання віршів про маму. Mummy.
I love my dear mummy
I love her very much.
And do you love your mummy?
Of course, and very much.

Mother's Day.
 I like the way you look
 I like the way you cook
Now what I really want to say is:
 "Happy Mother's Day"
Helping Mother.
Help your mother lay the table
With the knives and forks and spoons
Help your mother lay the table
Every afternoon.
Help your mother clear the table
Take the knives and forks and spoons
Help your mother clear the table
 Morning, night and afternoon.
My mother.
Who said "Good night?"
When I was a child?
My mother.
Who dressed my doll in clothes so gay?
 And answered me often how to play?
My mother.
Who ran to help me when I fell
And who could funny stories tell?
My mother.
Who seats at my bed when I am in bed?
My mother.

Mother's Day Basket.
Make a basket for your mother
And fill it with flowers gay
Then put a card just to say:
 " Happy Mother's Day!"
Best wishes.

I love my mummy best
I wish her smiles and rest
I wish her to be wealthy
But most of all be healthy.

Flowers for Mother.

 I never have a special day
To give flowers to my mother
 I give them to her every day
To show how much I love her.
When I sweep the kitchen floor,
Or care for baby brother
Run on errands, or make the beds,
I'm giving flowers to Mother.
It's lots of fun pretending
And to hear my mother say,
" Thank you, dear, for all the flowers
You've given me today."
З. Робота в групах.
Читання та доповнення тексту.
a) My name is___ . I am a pupil of the_______ . I usually get up
at__________ . In the morning I wash, dress,and__ .After
breakfast I take my bag and_______ .1 usually have a cup of tea
and_________ .1 usually have 5 or 6_________ .1 come back
home at_____ . After dinner I go to the yard and__ . I usually
have supper at______ . In the evening I________ . I usually
go to bed at____ .
   b) I have a friend. His name is____ . He usually gets up at__ .
Then he makes his bed, takes a shower, dresses and does his
morning______ . He has breakfast at___ . Usually he has a glass
of juice and____ for breakfast. After breakfast he goes to . His
lessons begin at______ . When the lessons are over he comes
back____ .He usually has dinner at .At_______ he begins to
do his____ .In the evening he reads___ . helps his parents and
. At 10 o'clock he____ to bed.
4.                Рольова гра"Мікрофон"
Представник кожної групи, як кореспондент газети, бере інтерв'ю у кожного
члена своєї групи.
·                   When do you usually get up?
·  What do you do first - dress or wash your face?
·  Do you always do your morning exercises?
·                   What toothpaste do you use?
·  What do you usually have for breakfast?
·  Do you wash up after breakfast?
·  How many lessons do you have at school?
·  What is your favourite lesson?
·  When do you come back home?
·  When do you have supper?
·  How long do you do your homework?
·  Do you like reading?
·  What is your favourite book?
·   Do you often watch TV?
·   What is your favourite TV programme?
·   What time do you go to bed?
5.                Аудіювання.
Прослуховування тексту.
My name is Tereta Ricky. I am a Polinesian. I live in a little island of Itutaki. It is in the Pacific Ocean. I am fourteen. I go to school on the island. I like all the subjects. I like learning new things. My favourite subject is nature study. I also like gymnastics and volley-ball. We have to do the homework every evening. At home I like cooking and making clothes. At the weekend I have dancing classes. I love dancing and listening to music. Виконання завдання до тексту. Mark if it is true or false.
1.  The girl's name is Tereta Ricky.
2.   She lives in Great Britain.
3.   She is fourteen.
4.   She doesn't go to school.
5.  Her favourite subject is history.
6.   She likes volley-ball.
7.  She doesn't like cooking.
8.  She loves dancing and listening to music.
6.                Рольова гра "Знайди помилку." Find the mistakes and correct them.

1.  My sister don't help her mother about the house.
2.  I play in football after classes.
3.   He have dinner at two o'clock.
4.  Oleg don't speak English.
5.  They don't go to school in Sunday.
6.   She do her morning exercises at eight o'clock.

III. Заключна частина уроку.
·    Повідомлення домашнього завдання. Вивчити вірш
Впр.4, с.125
·     Підведення      підсумків.

ТЕМА:  Віртуальна подорож до Великої Британії.  Лондон та його визначні             місця.
Мета: активізувати та закріпити вживання лексичних одиниць в усному мовленні учнів; поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона; навчати діалогічного та монологічного мовлення за темою; практикувати у вмінні аудіювати тексти; розвивати вміння порівнювати предмети та явища; розвивати готовність учнів до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні, до подальшої самоосвіти в оволодінні іноземною мовою; виховувати почуття поваги до пам’яток культури й потребу в пізнанні світової культури; доброзичливість, толерантність, активність, працьовитість.
ОБЛАДНАННЯ: мультимедійна презентація, ноутбук, малюнки з визначними місцями Лондона, картки з завданнями для роботи в групах.

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1.     Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you here.
Ps: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.
T: I am sure you are ready for active work. Today our lesson will be unusual. Have you ever been to London? I suppose you haven’t. Now you have such an opportunity. At our lesson we’ll make а trip to London, the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in the world.
       By the end of the lesson you should learn more about London’s places of interests, their history and features.
T: And the motto of our lesson today: 
The more you live,
The more you travel,
The more you travel,
The more you see,
The more you see,
The more you learn.
2.     Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу  
T: Children, answer my questions, please.
1.     What is London? ( London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
2.     What river does it stand on? (It stands on the river Thames)
3.     How many people live there? (About 7 million people live there)
4.     What sights of London do you know? ( The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, St. Pauls Cathedral, Westminster Abby and so on.)
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
I see you are ready for the trip but you have to do some tasks to get tickets for the plane.
1.     Practice topic words.
A)   Unscramble the words: 
Bebay, numontme, retteha, distamu, liaparmetn, umsemu, legalry, nemaic, aresqu.
Check yourselves: 
 Abbey, monument, theatre, stadium, parliament, museum, gallery, cinema, square.
Congratulations! You’ve got tickets and now we are almost in a plane. To take your places in it you should match the parts of word combinations. 
B)   Match the parts of the word combinations:
1.     The Tower of                   Palace
2.     Trafalgar                          Parliament
3.     St’Paul’s                          London
4.     The National                    Ben
5.     Buckingham                    Square
6.     Westminster                    Gallery
7.     The Houses of                 Cathedral
8.     Big                                  Abbey
Check yourselves:
1.     The Tower of London
2.     Trafalgar Square
3.     St. Paul’s Cathedral
4.     The National Gallery
5.     Buckingham Palace
6.     Westminster Abbey
7.     The Houses of Parliament
8.     Big Ben
Finally, we are flying to London. Let’s sing a song to have a rest. ( Children sing song “Fly to London”) 
2.     Pupils’ project works.
P 1: And now, ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you to London. London is one of the largest cities in the world. About seven million people live here. London is more than two thousand years old. London’s most famous sights are Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul’s Cathedral.
P2: Trafalgar Square is а geographical center of London. It’s the largest among London’s squares. On the column in the centre there is а statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The main building of Trafalgar Square is the National Gallery with its facade in neo-classical style. It has а fine collection of European paintings. 
P3: Now we pass famous London parks. Entrance to the parks is free and you may walk on the grass, lie down to rest on it. If the weather is fine, you may even ride horses. London Parks have cafes and art galleries. Hyde Park became the first public garden. It is known for its Speaker’s Corner, where everyone can stand up and say what he wants. 
P4: At last we are at Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. There is а wonderful daily ceremony, which takes place at 11.30. Usually Londoners and а great number of foreign tourists watch changing the Guards in front of the Palace. It’s а very beautiful parade. 
P5: In front of you there are the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. There are two chambers in British Parliament: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.  St. Stephan’s Tower of the Houses of Parliament contains the famous Big Ben. It is one of the most famous clocks in the world.
P6: In а moment, you will see Westminster Abbey. It is а royal church. The last monarch coronated in the Abbey was present Queen Elisabeth the IInd. Here you can see the tombs of the many British kings and queens and other famous people.
P7: Now we are crossing Tower Bridge over the river Thames. From here you can see the Tower of London. English kings lived there many years ago. It was а fortress, а Royal palace and а prison, but now it’s а museum. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. 
3.     Doing the crossword.
Now, check up what you  have learnt about these sights, how attentive you are.
Fill in the crossword answering the questions. 

4.     Reading.
 Children, fill in the missing words and tell about your trip.
London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very … city. It was founded about two thousand … ago. London is one of the most … and interesting … in Europe. There are ...   … to visit in London. There are a lot of …, art …, cinemas, theatres and … parks in London.
cities, capital, places, museums, years, old, many, galleries, beautiful, important

5.     Team work. Гра “Guess what sights is it?”
Учні поділяються на 4 команди. Кожна команда отримує картки з описом одного з визначних місць Лондона. Команди опрацьовують свій текст. Перемагає та команда, яка перша дала вірну відповідь.
Тексти для команд.
1.     This charming cathedral was built by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London. (St. Paul’s Cathedral)
2.     This museum has a collection of mummies, tomb, paintings and gold jewellery from Ancient Egypt. (The British Museum)
3.     It has a large collection of birds and animals from all over the world. (London Zoo)
4.     There you’ll see realistic, life-size wax figures of famous people. (Madame Tussauds Museum)

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
1. Quiz. (Рефлексія): 
1. Big Ben is …
a) a radio tone;
b) a famous clock;
c) a famous church.

2. Buckingham Palace is…
a) a home of Royal Family;
b) a place of interest;
c) a fine cathedral.
3. Westminster Abbey is a large…
a) cathedral;
b) palace;
c) church.

4. The Tower of London was…
a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;
b) a fortress, a prison, a palace;
c) a tower, a prison and a palace.

5. Ravens must live in…
a) Westminster Abbey;
b)The Tower of London;
c) Tower Bridge.

6. London stands on the river …
a) Dnipro;
b) Severn;
c) Thames.

7. The name of architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is …
a) Sir Charles Barry;
b) Sir Christopher Wren;
c) Northmore Pugin

8. Which of these places is NOT in London?
a) The Tower;
b) Nelson’s Column;
c) Colosseum.

9. The oldest building in London is…
a) The Houses of Parliament;
b) The Tower of London;
c) The British Museum.
Keys: 1- b; 2- a; 3 – c; 4 – b; 5 – b; 6 – c; 7 – b; 8 – c; 9 – b.

2.     Summarising
T:Dear children! Our lesson is over. It is time to say good-bye. Tell me please what have we done  at our lesson?
Ps: We read, listened to the texts, did the crossword and the quiz, sang songs and presented our projects.
T:You were great! You all get good and excellent marks. So your marks are…
3.     Homework: Your home task for the next lesson is to speak about one of the places of interests in London.

Тема: «Home sweet home»

Тип урока: комбінований
Обладнання: ноутбук, дошка, додатки з завданнями, ілюстрації з типами будівель.
Мета уроку:
Практична: розвиток навичок монологічного і діалогічного мовлення, активізація лексичного і граматичного матеріалу в усному мовленні, розвиток навичок опису  будинку, квартири, кімнати.
 Навчальна: повторення лексичних одиниць з теми «Дім, квартира», закріплення навичок використання граматичної структури there is/there are (стверджувальна, заперечна та питальна форми) та прийменників місця у мовленні.
Розвиваюча: розвиток пам’яті та уваги.
Виховна: виховання любові до свого дому, цікавості до життя інших людей.
I. Початок уроку:
1) організаційний момент, привітання.
Вчитель: Hello everyone. Let’s start our lesson with the greeting song.
2) повідомлення теми уроку.
Вчитель: You’re great singers!  Sit down  please. Look at the screen. What’s the topic of our lesson? –
Учні: Home,sweet home.
3) мовленнєва зарядка
Вчитель: Right!  Do you know any proverbs about home?
Учні: 1) East or West home is best.
         2) There’s no place like home.
         3) Home is where the heart is.
          4) My home is my castle.
Вчитель: Nice.  Try to say these proverbs
 (слайд с транскрипцією прислівів):
A house is made of walls and beams... a home is made of love and dreams.
  A house is not a home. )
Учні читають вислови.
Вчитель: How do you understand it? What’s the difference between a house and a home?
House- is a type of building.
 Home- is a place where people live
Вчитель: What does home mean for you?
Учні: Home is a place where we can rest, have a cup of hot tea, enjoy good films, it is a place, where our  nearest people are, where we can play with our pets.
II. Основна частина.
1) Фронтальне опитування  лексичного матеріалу.
Вчитель: Excellent. What types of houses do you know? Look at the pictures and name them (слайди з типами будівель).
Учні:  Називають будівлі( A cottage, a detached house, a semi-detached house, a block of flats, a terraced house, a skyscraper)
Вчитель: Now,think about your home and answer my questions.
 1.    Do you live in a detached house or in a block of flats?
2.    What floor is your flat on?
3. What parts are there in your flat/house? (фронтальне опитування)
2) Активізація лексичного матеріалу.
Вчитель: That’s really good. Your next task is to guess the name of the room.
1) We usually cook meals here. – It’s a kitchen!
What can you find in the kitchen? –A dishwasher, a sink, a fridge, a cooker,a table, cupboards.
2) We can watch TV and rest in this room. – It’s a living room.
What can you find in the living room? – A sofa, a bookcase, armchairs, cushions, flowers, TV
3) We can have a shower here. – It’s a bathroom.
What can you find in the bathroom? – A mirror, a bath, a washbasin, towels.
4) You can sleep here or play with your toys. – It’s child’s bedroom.
What can you find here? – A bed, a lamp, a computer, toys, bookshelves, pillows.
Вчитель: Perfect! Look at the screen and name other parts of the house. –
Учні: A master bedroom, a garage, a study, a garden, a dining room, a  closet, a basement, an attic.
Вчитель: Good! Now  let’s name the parts of this house. Don’t forget to use ordinal numbers.

Учні  називають частини дома. The first is…, the second is…
3) Розвиток навичок діалогічного мовлення. Міні-діалоги за картинкою. Активізація прийменників місця та лексики за темою меблі, частини будинку.
Вчитель: Nice work. Now, you should describe the furniture in the room. Let’s revise the prepositions of place.
Where’s the clown? -  учні відповідають за слайдами.
Вчитель: Well done! Look at the picture. Is this room modern? Is it comfortable? Do you like it?  Ask your partner about the furniture in this room.  Use the example in your worksheets.
I. Where’a a mirror? – It’s on the wall.
1. TV/fireplace (above)
2. fireplace/windows (between)
3. two armchairs/sofa (on the right to)
4. sofa/ table (in front of)
5. ornamental plate/ table (on)
6. armchair/ sofa (on the left to)
7. lamp/ armchair (behind)
8. plant/window (next to)
9. table/ fireplace (opposite)
Учні: описують кімнату за допомогою міні-діалогів.
Вчитель: Great work!  Let’s revise the  structures There is/There are, because you have to describe  a house.  These pretty snakes remind you of  the sound Копия рис1 015. Repeat it all together, let’s practise it.
There is a mouse in the house.                           
There is a cat in the flat.
Is there a mouse in the house?
Is there a cat in the flat?
Yes, there is.

There are ships in the sea.
There are birds in the tree.
Are there ships in the sea?
Are there birds in the tree?
Yes, there are.

Вчитель: Look at the screen and remember the rules. (учні промовляють правила)
4) Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
Аудіювання розповіді, заповнення пропусків в реченнях.
Вчитель: Now, let’s learn about Bob’s house. He lives in the USA. Listen to the tape and fill in the gaps on your worksheets.
1. There are _______ bedrooms.(two)
2. There is a __________. Bob’s mum and dad cook dinner there. (kitchen)
3. There is a ____________. His family watches TV there. (living room).
4. There is a big ___________. (bathroom)
5. There are a lot of __________. (closets)
6. There is a ______________. Bob’s dad has a workshop there. (basement)
7. There is ___________ floor in Bob’s house. (one)
8. There is a ______________. (garage)
5) Міні-діалоги, опис будинку.
Вчитель: Is everything clear? Now, ask your partner about Bob’s house.
Учні: Is there a … in Bob’shouse? – Yes, there is, but there isn’t a….
6) розвиток навичок читання
Вчитель: Great work. People from different countries live in various types of houses Let’s find out about houses in the UK, the USA and Ukraine. Open your books at page 149.
6.1. Дотекстовий етап.
Вчитель: Listen to the text and label the pictures. (учні слухають текст, підписують картинки)
Let’s check up your answers.
6.2.Презентація НЛО через пояснення значення та синоніми.
Вчитель: There are some new words. Look at the screen and match the word with its synonym.
own              personal
pastimes       hobby
safe               protected
apartment      flat
village             small town
Вчитель: Let’s pair these  words and their meanings.
 town                    an area larger than village  
 city                         a large town
rent                        to pay money for using a house
suburbs                  an area near a city
gardening              growing plants and looking after a garden
 skyscraper              a very tall building, looks like it touches the sky
Учні називають синоніми та значення слів.
Вчитель: Excellent. Let’s read the text. (учні читають текст)
6.3. Післятекстовий етап.
Вчитель: Now, look at your worksheets, let’s fill in the table. Pay attention to the last column and think about Ukrainian houses.
(учні відповідають на питання та заповнюють таблицю)

Types of houses

the UK
the USA


wooden houses

cottages, clay and wooden houses


large blocks of flats, detached, semi-detached, terraced houses

tall tower blocks, skyscrapers, terraced houses, brick buildings

blocks of flats, private houses, brick buildings

Do people rent or own houses/flats

rent or own houses

most rent, others own apartments/rooms

most own, some rent flats/rooms

How do people feel about their home?

comfortable and safe, make them look attractive

house proud, take good care of their home

comfortable and relaxed, house proud, keep houses clean and attractive

7.  Розвиток монологічного мовлення.
7.1. Монологічні висловлювання про типи будинків в Україні.
Вчитель: Perfect! Who can tell us about houses in Ukraine? Use the table. 
7.2.  Розвиток монологічного мовлення. Коротка розповідь про свій дім.
Вчитель: Brilliant! We’ve learnt about other people’s houses in different countries. At last I want you to tell about your home. Look at the screen and use the plan.
1. Type of the house/name of the street/outside
2. Rooms and furniture.
3. Your favourite room.
4. Do you like your home? Why?
III. Підведення підсумків уроку.
Вчитель: We’ve done a lot today, let’s sum up.  What’s the home for us?
Учні: Home is a place where we feel comfortable and safe, where our nearest people live, where we can relax, we hurry after a tiring day.
Вчитель: Great! It’s time for a song about our sweet home. (учні співають пісню Home sweet home).
Вчитель: Fantastic performance! You were active and hardworking today, I’m pleased with your work.
You’ve got such marks today …
Домашнє завдання: Your home task is to write an article about your home using the plan in your worksheets.
Вчитель: The lesson is over, thank you everybody. See you tomorrow!

Розділ:     Food (7 клас)
Тема:      Здорова їжа
1.           Повторити й активізувати лексику теми
2.           Ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями
3.           Повторити граматичний матеріал: злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники
4.           Тренувати аудіювання
5.           Формувати комунікативні навички учнів
6.           Розвивати мислення
Обладнання: Підручник, картки

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1.                Привітання
T: Good morning everyone! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Ps: Good morning teacher! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you.
2.                Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T:  During our lesson today we will speak about food. We will discuss healthy and unhealthy food and your likes and dislikes in your eating habits.
3.                Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
На дошці записується слово Food, треба спробувати визначити його істотні ознаки. Наприклад наявність каструлі (pot), бутерброда(sandwich) або яблука(apple) не впливають на поняття Їжа, хоча і відносяться до теми. Істотним може бути наприклад вода(water), м'ясопродукти(meat prpoducts), фрукти(fruit), овочі(vegetables) тощо.
    Т: Let’s try to define key words for the word Food

ІІ. Основна частина уроку
1. Розвиток умінь мовлення.
1)                Учні відповідають на запитання вчителя
·                          What food do you prefer to eat?
·                          What food is healthy?
·                          Why should we eat healthy food?
·                          What food do vegetarians eat?
·                          What are you allowed to eat?
·                          Tell us about your likes in eating habits.
2)                Робота в парах
Проводиться невелика гра. Для проведення цієї гри використовуються картки «Ларди» Учні розподіляються по парах. Учитель, по черзі показує кожній парі картку і просить назвати переклад слова, зображеного на малюнку, англійською мовою. Якщо відповідь правильна, картка лишається у цієї пари учнів, якщо ні – учитель залишає її собі і переходить до іншої пари. Якщо пара учнів не може назвати переклад учитель може запропонувати цю картку іншим парам. Якщо ніхто не знає переклад, хтось з відповідаючої пари читає вголос слово, інші повторюють хором. Кількість карток із розрахунку 3-5 карток на кожну пару.
3)                Робота в парах
Після того, як учні отримали картки, вони 2-3 хвилини складають і записують словосполучення. Кожна пара зі своїми словами. По закінченню роботи кожна пара читає свої словосполучення.
4)                Робота в парах
Учитель пропонує учням скласти і записати по одному реченню з кожним словосполученням. При цьому можна поставити додаткову умову, наприклад, в реченні має бути не менше 7 слів. По закінченню, через 2-4 хвилини учні читають свої речення.
2. Подання тексту для читання. Впр. 4 ст. 33
1)                Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання
Т: Do you know anything about sources of food? What is it made from? What are the most popular groups of food? …
2)               Reading. Етап читання.
Перед початком роботи один учень уголос читає післятекстові речення. Потім учні ланцюжком уголос читають текст, вставляючи речення.
3. Аудіювання. Впр. 5 ст. 34
Учитель двічі читає текст. Учні уважно слухають. Після прослуховування учні читають речення і визначають чи відповідають вони змісту тексту.
4. Повторення і відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу: злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники.
Учитель записує на дошці слова і пропонує одному з учнів визначити, які з них можна порахувати, а які ні: cherry, banana, chocolate, sugar, milk, cake
Учитель пояснює правила учням ст. 172.
Учні виконують завдання на закріплення розглянутого матеріала. Учитель просить виписати з впр. 4 ст. 33 злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники. Декілька учнів читають свої відповіді.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
1.                Домашнє завдання
2.                Підведення підсумків уроку

Розділ:     Food (7 клас)
Тема:      Приготування їжі
1)           Повторити і закріпити лексику теми.
2)           Ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями.
3)           Повторити і закріпити граматичний матеріал: злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники.
4)           Продовжувати розвивати мислення.
5)           Практикувати учнів в письмі.
6)           Виховувати звичку вживати здорову їжу.
Обладнання: Підручник, картки з вправами на граматику, картки «Ларди».

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1.                Привітання.
T: Good morning everyone! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Ps: Good morning teacher! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you.
2.                Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T:  During our lesson today we will continuou speaking about food. We will also practise using countable and uncountable nouns in our speech.
3.                Перевірка домашнього завдання.
4.                Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Клас розподіляється на групи по 3-4 учні, кожній з яких учитель пропонує вибрати 4 картки. Групи отримують завдання використати ці слова у невеличкій 3-5 речень ситуації. По закінченні один представник від кожної групи читає свою розповідь. Інші учні уважно слухають і по закінченні учитель просить одного з учнів сказати коротко про що було оповідання. Зміст розповіді потрібно передати максимально стисло і точно без зайвих слів.

ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1. Відпрацювання граматичного матеріалу: злічувальні та незлічувальні іменники.
1)                Учитель називає або показує продукти. Учні по черзі, ланцюжком відповідають чи слово відноситься до злічувальних або незлічувальних іменників.
2)                Учні отримують картки з завданнями.
1 Complete the sentences with some or any.
1 Have you got_____ brothers or sisters?
2 We don't need_____ olive oil.
3 Here are_____ letters for you.
4 I need_____ money.
5 Is there_____ petrol in the car?
2 Complete the sentences with much or many.
1 Have you got_____ homework?
2 We don't need_____ eggs. Just half a dozen.
3 Is there_____ traffic in your town?
4 I don't know_____ students in this class.
5 How_____ people live in your house?
3 Complete the sentences with a little, a few, or a lot of.
1 I have_____ close friends. Two or three.
2 He has_____ money. He's a millionaire.
3 'Do you take_____ sugar in coffee?' 'Just. Half a spoonful.'
4 'Have you got_____ CDs?' 'Hundreds.'
5 I'll be ready in_____ minutes.
6 She speaks good Spanish, but only_____ Russian.
2. Подання тексту для читання. Впр. 1а ст. 34.
1)                Pre-Reading Activity. Етап підготовки до читання.
Т: Do you know anything about preparing food? What is it? In what way can we do it? …
2)               Reading. Етап читання.
Перед початком роботи один учень уголос читає виділені слова, клас за допомогою вчителя перекладає їх рідною мовою. Потім учні ланцюжком уголос читають текст і виконують впр. 1b та 1с ст. 34.
3.Відпрацювання нового лексичного матеріалу. Формулювання визначень.
Учитель записує на дошці і пропонує дати визначення наступним поняттям. При необходності корегує та допомогає. Учні формулюють і записують.
Fresh food food such as vegetables and fruit
Canned/tinned food – food sold in cans
Frozen food – preserved by a freezing process
Fast food – food such as humburgers and chips, that people eat very quickly
Convenience food - food that needs little preparation, especially food that has been pre-prepared
4. Складання речень.
Учитель пропонує учням скласти і записати якомога більше речень, використовуючи словосполучення протягом 3-4 хвилин. По закінченню роботи декілька учнів читають свої речення. При необхідності учитель виправляє помилки.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
1.                Домашнє завдання
2.                Підведення підсумків уроку

Розділ:     Food (7 клас)
Тема:      Кухня
1)     Повторити і закріпити лексику теми.
2)     Ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями.
3)     Формувати навички діалогічного мовлення.
4)     Тренувати учнів у читанні та письмі.
5)     Формувати мовну здогадку.
6)     Продовжувати розвивати мислення.
Обладнання: Підручник, картки «Ларди»

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1.                Привітання.
T: Good morning everyone! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Ps: Good morning teacher! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you.
2.                Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T:  During our lesson today we will speak about kitchen and kitchen equipment and about things that help us cook food.
3.                Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Учитель на дошці записує декілька груп слів. Учні мають визначити зайве слово в кожній групі.
·                can, cup, spoon, tin, bottle
·                sausage, fish, bacon, chicken, pork
·                orange, pineapple, cherry, strawberry, potato
·                cucumber, tomato, grapes, onion, red pepper
·                raw, frozen, fast, tinned, frozen
·                sugar, milk, butter, cheese, curds

ІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1.     Аудіювання. Впр. 2 ст. 35.
Учитель двічі читає текст. Учні уважно слухають і виконують завдання вправи. По закінченні роботи вони ланцюжком підбирають до дат підходяще визначення.
2. Розвиток умінь мовлення.
Учні в парах виконують завдання записане на дошці. По закінченні работи 2-3 учні стисло переказують відповіді своїх співрозмовників. Учитель контролює правильність граматичної побудови речень.
·                    Do you and your family argue about food you eat?
·                    Do you and your family argue about food you don’t eat?
·                    What are (aren’t) you allowed to eat?
·                    What should you eat to have a balanced diet?
·                    Do you often eat fast food?
3. Відпрацювання нового лексичного матеріалу.
1)     Подання лексичного матеріалу. Учитель читає слова впр. 3 та 4 ст. 35, учні хором повторюють, потім читають і перекладають за допомогою вчителя.
2)     Відпрацювання нового лексичного матеріалу. Один з учнів читає визначення впр. 3 ст. 35, решта учнів має підібрати до нього підходяще слово. Той хто назвав правильний варіант читає наступне визначення.
3)     Гра Guess What”. Один з учнів загадує будь-який предмет зображений на фото, й описує його призначення не називаючи його. Решта учнів відгадує це слово. Той хто відгадав описує наступний предмет. Наприклад:
- You need this thing to fry food.
- Is it a wok?
- No, it isn’t.
- Is it a frying pan?
- Yes it is.
4)     Утворення пар. Учитель пропонує самостійно скласти пари з поданих слів (впр. 3 та 4). Той хто першим закінчив роботу, читає свої словосполучення вголос. Потім учні складають із ними речення протягом 3-4 хвилин. По закінченню роботи 2-3 учнів читають свої речення вголос.
4. Гра. Пошук аналогів (наприклад для слів апельсин або каструля). Називається який-небудь  предмет або  явище, наприклад,  "каструля(pot)". Необхідно  виписати  якомога більше  його  аналогів,  тобто|цебто| інших предметів, схожих  з|із| ним  за різними  істотними|суттєвих| ознаками. Можна також систематизувати ці аналоги по групах залежно від того,  з урахуванням|з врахуванням| якої властивості заданого  предмету вони підбиралися. Наприклад,  в даному випадку можуть бути названі|накликати| "сковорідка|птиця|"(pan), "черпак"(ladle) (посуд/kitchen utensils); "човен"(boat),  ванна|потяг|"(bath)  (мають глибину/have depth);  "тарілка"(plate)  (круглі/round|поваж)  і  ін.  Перемагає  той,  хто|КТО|  назвав|накликав|  найбільше число груп аналогів.

ІІІ.  Заключна частина уроку.
1.                Домашнє завдання.
2.                Підведення підсумків уроку.

Розділ:     Food (7 клас)
Тема:      Готуємо за рецептом
1)           Повторити і активізувати лексику теми.
2)           Ознайомити учнів з новими лексичними одиницями.
3)           Тренувати учнів у читанні та письмі.
4)           Навчати учнів аудіювання.
5)           Практикувати учнів у письмі.
6)           Сприяти розвиткові мовної здогадки.
7)           Виховувати увагу та наполегливість.
8)           Розвивати мислення.
Обладнання: Підручник, картки «Ларди»

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1.                Привітання
T: Good morning everyone! I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Ps: Good morning teacher! We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you.
2.                Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T:  We are continuing to speak about food and today we are going to discuss some recipes and ways to cook food.
3.                Перевірка домашнього завдання.
4.                Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
На дошці записується записуються декілька груп слів. Учні по черзі виходячи до дошки мають доповнити змістовий ряд. Учень може доповнювати будь який рядок на свій вибір. Наприклад:
Vegetables – potato, …
Fruit – cherry, …
Processing – baking, …
Kitchen utensils – plate, …

ІІ. Основна частина уроку
1. Подання лексичного матеріалу.
Учитель читає слова, учні хором повторюють і всі гуртом вирішують до якого малюнку підходить слово.
2. Відпрацювання нового лексичного матеріалу.
Учитель пропонує учням самостійно скласти словосполучення із поданих слів. Той, хто першим закінчив роботу, читає свої словосполучення вголос.


Потім учні складають із ними речення користуючись вправою 2 ст. 36 протягом 3-4 хвилин. По закінченню роботи 3-4 учнів читають свої речення.
3. Аудіювання. Впр. 3 ст. 36.
Учитель двічі читає текст. Учні уважно слухають і слідкують. Після прослуховування учні відповідають на запитання.
- What is it?
- Can they make it?
- What can they make?
4. Формулювання визначень.
Учням подаються декілька  дієслів. Вони мають дати їм найбільш точні визначення. Визначення записуються в зошит. Потім з ціми дієсловами складаються речення(можно усно).
Bake – to cook by heat.
Mix – to combine smth. into one mass.
Pour – to flow in a stream.
Squeeze - to press (something) so as to extract a liquid.
5. Читання. Впр. 4 ст. 37.
 Учні протягом 2-4 хвилин самостійно підбирають речення до малюнків. Потім вони ланцюжком читають речення в правильному порядку. Учитель слідкує за правильністю виконання і в разі необхідності допомагає підібрати правильне речення.
6. Гра. Пошук протилежного.
Учні мають підібрати до поданих понять слова протилежні за значенням. Причому вони не обовязково мають бути антонімами.
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
1.                Домашнє завдання.

2.                Підведення підсумків уроку.

Конспект уроку з англійської мови
Професії в нашому житті
Цілі уроку: активізувати та удосконалювати усі види мовлення в учнів: читання, письмо, аудіювання та говоріння, закріпити лексику теми; удосконалити усно-мовленнєві вміння учнів; розширити кругозір учнів у межах теми; розвивати вміння учнів здійснювати мовленнєву діяльність, розвивати самостійність у праці, збагатити зміст основної навчальної мети;розвивати мовну  здогадку; залучити учнів до комунікативних форм діяльності на уроці: робота в парах, групах, розвивати мислення та вміння спілкуватися один з одним; виховувати позитивне ставлення до іноземної мови, вчити учнів бути уважними, організованими та активними.
Обладнання уроку: картки із завданнями, малюнки, картки для парної роботи та групової роботи.
 Хід уроку
 І. Початок уроку
  1. Greeting
  2. Good morning. How are you?
  1. Warm – up
T: Let’s begin with the tongue – twister :
Rub – A – Dub – Dub
Three men in a tub:
The butcher, the baker,
The candlestick maker.
T: We have known some new professions from this tongue – twister. You have already known a lot of professions. Look, I have some letters from different people. I want to read these letters, and you’ll say what these people are.
  1. I like children very much. I like to read books and to write on the blackboard too.
What am I?
  1. I like children very much, but I do not like to write on the blackboard. I go to the hospital every day. What am I?
  2. I like cars and buses. I like to travel very much. I can drive a car, a bus and a tram too.
What am I?
  1. I like flowers and trees. Every day I go to the garden and water flowers there. What am I?
You are very good pupils. And now tell me, please, what professions do you know else?

Let’s make up “A Map of Professions”.
II. Основна частина уроку
1. Оголошення теми та мети уроку.
T: Today we are going to know what profession is the best. First of all, I want to show you our plan of the lesson. Look at the blackboard, please.
  1. Where do your parents go every day?
  2. What do they do there?
  3. What is the most important profession in our life?
  4. What is the best profession?
  5. What do you want to be?
2. Активізація лексики.
T: Let’s solve our first problem.
There are many places, where we can go every day. For example:
Активізація лексики
Now, make up sentences, like as in example: – I think, she goes to the café, because she is a waiter.
Активізація лексики 2T: And can you say what do they do there?
Match the words with their definitions and make up sentences.
  1. a singer                                          a)  teaches pupils
  2. a businessman                                b)  makes cakes
  3. a teacher                                       c)  treats people
  4. a doctor                                         d)  sings songs
  5. a builder                                        e)  builds houses
  6. a gardener                                    f)  works in the field
  7. a cook                                            g)  drives cars
  8. an engineer                                    h)  works at the office
  9. a farmer                                         i)  waters the flowers and trees
  10. a driver                                          j)  constructs machines
3. Вдосконалення лексико – граматичних навичок. Активізація навичок письма.
T: And now we have to decide what profession is the most important? Let’s try to do some work.
What is she? ( малюнок) – She is a secretary.
Do you want to be a secretary? Ok , then take cards with the letters and listen to me.
A secretary I know, typed some sentences. She typed and typed and was tired. Let’s help her to complete her typing. I’ll read you these sentences and you must type words with your letters.
Red: I have a family.
Orange:   My parents are young.
Yellow:   I have a brother.
Green:     He is a teacher.
Blue:       I have an aunt.
Violet:    She has two children.
T:  Good, I see you know letters and how to write English words. That’s why, I want you to be teachers. I have much work to do. Help me to check up these home – works , please. Can you find ten mistakes there?
Home – werk.
My neme is Nina. I am nane. My famili is not veri big.
I have a mothe, a father, and a brother.
My brother’s name is Vova. Vova is fiften. He is a pupil. He goes to scool.
My parent are very good. I lave them very much.
T:  You are very good teachers. Can you drive a car? Do you want to be a driver?
Our driver has a task. He must bring bricks for the builder. He needs them to build the house. Help him, please.
There are many bricks here, but you must take the best bricks. Look, and find them, then put these bricks into the lorry.
  1. Our, his, her, my, worker.
  2. Father, mother, doctor, aunt.
  3. Cook, dog, pig, rabbit.
  4. Boy, girl, man, policeman.
  5. Red, green, brown, teacher.
  6. School, plant, farmer, hospital.
  7. Desk, chair, driver, table.
  8. Window, door, spostsman, floor.
  9. bus, car, gardener, lorry.
Are you tired? Let’s have a rest.
4. Фізкультхвилинка.
  • A sportsman will help us. Who wants to be a trainer?
I can jump, jump, jump.
I can swim, swim, swim.
I can run, run, run.
I can fly, fly, fly.
  • Let’s play a game.
T: You have to play.  .
I’ll show you cards with the topics on them. Look and you must say word on this topic.  Are you ready?
  1. Family.
  2. Days.
  3. Months.
  4. School.
  5. Professions.
T: Good, you are very good sportsmen.
5. Активізація та вдосконалення навичок читання та усного мовлення.
T: And now, let’s go to the hospital and help a doctor. Our doctor wrote a timetable for you, but he is very old. That’s why the sentences are mixed. Read them and put these sentences in logical order, please ( a strip story).
  1. Get up at 7 o’clock.
  2. Do morning exercises every day.
  3. Have dinner at 2 o’clock.
  4. Do lessons and play in the yard in the afternoon.
  5. Help your parents in the evening.
  6. Have your supper at 6 o’clock.
  7. Go to bed at 9 o’clock.
T: You tried many professions. I think, you can tell me, what profession is the most important and what  you want to be. I think, the journalist will help us to do this. But, firstly, look at the list of professions and choose your favourite profession.
What do you want to be?
Interview your partner, like this:
Interview your partner
A pop star – to sing.
  • What do you want to be?
  • A pop star.
  • Why?
  • Because I like to sing.
a teacher
a builder
a farmer
a gardener
a painter
to build houses
to work in the field
flowers and trees
to paint
  • What have you known about your friends?
  • What do they want to be?
  • What do you want to be?
T: And now, we have to say what is the best profession?
Some pupils of our form made a project on the topic “Professions in our life”. Dear children, go to the blackboard, please.
(Presentation of the project)
III. Заключна частина уроку
  1. Home task
Make up the story about your family and tell what are your parents.
  1. Conclusion
We have worked very hard today. We spoke, wrote, read and answered questions. I must say you are good pupils. Your marks are… Good-bye.

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