Дидактичні матеріали

Дидактичний матеріал
до уроків
з англійської мови по темі

«Охорона навколишнього середовища»

      Fill in the blanks with must or can
    (Заповни пропуски дієсловами «must» або «can»)
1.  ...you tell me about ecology in your neiqbourhood?
2.  We… take care about our planet.
3.  This poem is not difficult. You…easily learn it.
4.  When you go hiking, you…not throw litter in the forest.
5.  … you help me?
6.  We…morning exercises every morning.

       Read and remember these rules.
(Почитай та запам’ятай ці правила з охорони довкілля)
1.  Take care about your country.
2.  Don’t throw litter everywhere. It can be harmful to wildlife.
3.  Never throw or break glass bottles. Small animals can get hurt on sharp or broken bottles or cans.
4.  Pink up litter and throw it into litter bin.
5.  Don’t cut the wild flowers.
6.  Plant one oaktree a year. Forest grows from one acorn. It is very simple. Put one acorn into the land.
7.  In winter when there is no much to eat in the forest and parks give birds something to eat:some corn,seeds,bread. Build small houses for them.

Make as many phrases as you can with these verbs and words from the box.
to take care about                         atmosphere
to protect                                      the Earth
to change                                       school yard
to keep clean                                climate
to harm                                          trees
                                                       the world
to forget about                               bushes
       Read  and learn the poem.
             (вивчити вірш)
Come to the wood on a sunny day.
Come to the wood on a day so gay.
Look at the grass, at the busy bees.
Look at the birds in the tall green trees.
Dance in the grass, sing and play.
Be happy and cheerful all the day.

                Answer the questions.
1.  What plants grow in the park near your house?
2.  What plants grow in your garden?
3.  What flowers grow in the park or in the garden in you neighborhood?
4.  What small animals and insects can you find in your neighborhood?
5.  Do you like watching nature? Why?
6.  What do you do to protect nature in your neighbourhood?

          Translate these sentences.
                        (переклади речення)
1.  Існує дуже цікава наука – екологія.
2.  Слово «екологія» означає «дім»
3.  Екологія вивчає все живе на Землі, і навіть атмосферу.
4.  Чи любимо ми природу?
5.  Наша Земля – це величезний дім з багатьма мешканцями.
6.  Що ми повинні робити, щоб захистити природу?

Make tag – questions and complete the    
      (Склади роз’єднувальні запитання)
1.  The Earth is a fascinating place,…?
2.  Our planet is home of charming flowers,?
3.  It is like a huge house with many wonderful inhabitants,… ?
4.  We are good friends with nature,…?
5.  They are huge animals,…?
6.  Ecology is a very interesting and miracle science,…?

           Put the sentences in order.
            (Склади речення у правильному порядку)
1.   There are many important minerals in the leaves.
2.   At this time of year water can’t flow to the leaves.
3.   Some people are fond of this beautiful season.
4.   The bacteria in the soil use the leaves for food.
5.   But everybody will agree that it’s very pleasant to walk in the autumn park.
6.   Some people hate it because of cold, dull, rainy weather.
7.   Without water leaves die and fall.
8.   The leaves are tasty food for many creatures.

           Read and retell the article.
       (Прочитай і перекажи газетну статтю)
      Save the River of Three Nations.

The mighty Dnieper is seriously ill now. And It is we people, “masters of nature”, who have brought this great river to the verge of complete catastrophe. People turned the Dnieper into a cascade of stagnating reservoirs. They are pouring into it millions of cubic metres of sewage from large and small cities, from industrial enterprises and farms. Every chemical  possible is washed away from the fields into the Dnieper and its tributaries. We have tortured the Dnieper to death. Out of a mighty river we have made a “Chornobyl for fish”.

Make up questions to these answers.
             (Склади питання до цих відповідей)
1.   The sea is getting more polluted.
2.   People only worry when want to swim.
3.   Because animals depend on the sea for food.
4.   Yes, oil tanker disasters are very dangerous.
5.   Thousands of sea-otters were killed.
6.   Yes, chlorine mixtures are also very harmful.
7.   Because they accumulate in the fat of animals bodies.
8.   Problems with their liver.

Групова робота: Відповідати на 
питання,використовуючи ключові слова.
 Обмінюватися враженнями.

1.  Which tree is the most popular in  a)Ukraine;
                                                      b) Russia;   c)Canada.
2.  Which tree is the emblem of Kyiv?
3.  Which trees grow in your native place?
4.  What famous parks in Ukraine, Kyiv do you know?
5.  Which trees can grow in a)forests; b)parks; c)orchards

Keys: chestnut, oak, pine, pear tree, birch, cherry tree,  lime, plum tree, apricot tree, maple.

           Complete the dialogue
                           (Закінчити діалог)
·       Hello, Paul! We had a very interesting zoology lesson today
·       Our teacher told us about the best friends of flowers.
·       They are small insects.
·       But it is really so, believe me.
·       They carry pollen from one flower to another.
·       Pollen is necessary for flowers if they want to make seeds.
·       They carry pollen on their legs and bodies.
            Discuss the problem.
               (Дискусія за опорою)

too little exercise                    drugs



        stresses                         bad food

*** *************************************************
My favourite film
I am not a great cinema-goer. I prefer reading to going to the cinema. But I try to see the film if it is really good. My favourite film is “Romeo and Juliet”. It is a screen version of Shakespeare’s immortal (бессмертный) drama. To my mind this film is perfect from all points of view. I admire young Olivia Huesy playing Juliet. By the way all the actors play very well. Historical background is very impressive. The scenery is beautiful. Besides the music is very nice. So the film is a masterpiece of Dseferelly. I have seen it several times with great pleasure. My friends share my opinion.

What is your favourite film?
What actors star in this film?
Who is the producer of this film?
Why do you like this film?

My working day begins very early. Every day I go to school. I am very busy on week days. I get up at 6 o’clock and do my morning exercises at the open window. Then I go to the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, comb my hair and dress myself. My mother prepares breakfast for our family. I have my breakfast at 7.30 and leave my home.
My school is situated not far from my house. So I walk there. It takes me ten minutes to get to my school. I stay at school till two o’clock. Then I come home and have my dinner. After dinner I rest a little or help my mother. Then I do my homework in different subjects. In the evening I like to stay at home with my family or to go for a walk with my friends. Sometimes I watch TV, listen to music or go to the cinema. I go to bed at eleven o’clock.

When do you usually get up?
What do you do in the morning?
When do you have your breakfast?
How do you get to your school?
What do you do after school?
Where do you do your homework?
What do you do in the evenings?
When do you go to bed?

Olympic games
The Olympic games are the greatest international competitions of our time. They are held every four year.
The first Olympic games were held in 776 B.C. The first Olympic champion was Coroebus of Elis. He won the 200-yard sprint. It was the only event of the first Olympic program. The Olympic games were held at Olympia, in Greece. They included no women’s event. Married women were not allowed even to watch the Games.
The modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 at Athens to honor the ancient Greeks.
Russia participated in the Olympic Games for the first time in 1908 in London. There were only 5 Russian athletes. One of them Nikolay Panin-Kolomenkin became Olympic figure-skating champion. In 1908 women were allowed to compete in the fourth Olympics. There were 2 000 sportsmen there and 30 women among them.
The USSR as such first participated in the Olympics at Helsinki in 1952. The Soviet team consisted of 381 sportsmen (332 men and 49 women). They brought back 22 gold, 30 silver and 19 bronze medals.
The Ukraine participated in the Olympic Games in 1992 in Spain (Barselona).

1.    When and where were the first Olympic Games held? (776 B.C.)
2.    Who was the first Olympic champion? (Coroebus)
3.    When did the modern Olympics take place? Where? (1896, Athens)
4.    Who was the first Russian champion? (N.Panin-Kolomenkin)

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